Testimony of Italy with our envoy Dominic Danso — Communauté d'Églises en mission

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Testimony of Italy with our envoy Dominic Danso

Dominic Danso, pastor of the Valdesian Church of Italy, is one of five Cevaa envoys as part of the "Being Church Together - Essere Chiesa Insieme" program. It testifies of the transalpine containment, a country severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Jesus said : “ I am the vine, you are the branches . He who abides in Me ; and I in them, bears much fruit, for without Me, you can do nothing “ ( John 15: 5).

In situations like these, where the entire world finds itself in a state of confusion and disturbed, we need to abide in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The coming in of the “novel Covid 19” disease has changed the entire world system and has become the news of the moment and topic for discussion on every lips. This current pandemic has affected every facet of life in the entire world in all spheres, including the socio-economic status of every person including the rich and poor, the healthy and the unhealthy.

As a result of the early outbreak of the covid19 disease in Italy, and the total lock-down that has been in place in most times of the quarter, most of the activities were carried out from home and through the various electronic platforms.

In the first one month of 2020 ,when the covid19 disease and its effect has not been well noticed in Italy, I managed to visit some few places like Modena, Vicenza and Cassalmaggiore among others, until the sudden appearance of this tragic disease that has since put everyone in a form of abeyance for a while.


“…we need to abide in the Lord Jesus Christ”


We were expected to round up for the end of the envoy program by May 31st 2020. It is unfortunate the concluding part of our contract is going through this nightmare when we were expected to have a very cordial farewell from the entire spectrum of people; but we count it as a blessing as our Lord has told, as “part of life’s experiences”, that would be shared in future to incoming ones.

In these times, I have used the several advantages of technology also to get the message of Christ to many of the congregants. So the newly adopted means of communication with the congregants across board will not be spared to get our messages to the people as if we still remain here.

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